Monday, September 26, 2005

The Amazing Race....Family Edition

For those of you who don't know my wife is a bit of a reality show fanatic. She loves her Survivor, Apprentice (Martha Stewart or Donald Trump), Big Brother but most of all The Amazing Race. This season's edition is for families of four.

So Paula has decided that this will be a family affair in our house as well. All five of us (sorry Meredith, you're not eligible) have chosen two families and the person with the winning team wins $25 (totally contributed by Mom and Dad) and second place gets $5. We plan to tape and watch on Wednesdays as a family since Tuesday's is our nutso day. Paula is also planning to put up a map of the world to track the teams. (you know your mom and dad are teachers when.....)

Here are the teams:

Martha: Gaghan and Weaver
Shea: Linz and Godlewski
Sam: Rogers and Schroeder
Paula: Aiello and Paola
Dean: Branson and Black

Wish us luck.

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